Flashing AI Expert

What is the trend, then I’m its expert…

Social Media AI Expert Team :)

In the IT world, there’s a group of people who become experts in whatever the latest trend is. Their profiles instantly adapt to match the trend, and they share content related to it everywhere. It all started with big data, then machine learning, followed by the blockchain craze, and now the Cloud/DevOps/Microservices frenzy.

And currently, it’s all about AI. 🔥

We’re following it with great interest! 🧞‍♂️

Tag Library:

#bigdata #machinelearning #cloud #devops #microservices #ai #generativeai” 🚀

Fake AI People in Business World :)

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M. Fevzi Korkutata

CTO | Man in the middleware.. Solves very large scale software Dev&Ops problems with a few chess moves!