Daily Backing Up FortiGate Configurations

execute backup full-config sftp

I am newbie for firewall management. Recently I have stated our brand new FortiGate firewall device in our Headquarter office and activated Cloud WAF + Fortigate Firewall for our Cloud servers.

After stating FortiGate to an important center I thought backing up the configuration daily would be very crucial and applied it to our environment ASAP.

Below automation script is backing up the FortiGate configuration and upload it to one of our cloud SFTP server.

1. Open CLI Script and test below command.

execute backup full-config sftp “/home/fortigate/fortigate.backups/backup_%%log.date%%_%%log.time%%.cfg” $SFTP_SERVER_IP $SFTP_USER $SFTP_PASSWORD

2. If it is working you should see files like below on your SFTP server.

3. From FortiGate console I have created three automations as I referenced below screen capture.

Stay cyber safe…
Fevzi Korkutata



M. Fevzi Korkutata

CTO | Man in the middleware.. Solves very large scale software Dev&Ops problems with a few chess moves!